Travelling further southward, moving elegantly down towards my stomach, there for a moment you pause, your expert fingers toying with my navel, teasing around it and feeling its indentation. I am now in complete awe, so close to the pleasure zone, that total fulfilment can almost be touched and sensed. That stage is brought closer as you lips embalm upon me a passionate kiss, an embrace laidened with erotic undertones and sensual delight that spills within me, like erupting volcano. Her hand finally reached the submerged throbbing of my sex, passion was by now heavily instilled within me, in fact one could say it was in serious overload, I was like a junkie, an addict to her sensual and erotic love. Still she continued to kiss me, embraces with foundations of lust, her tongue would glide up and down my neck, skim over the surface of my shoulder tops, just heightening the tension within me even further. My body yearned, my heart thundered, chest rose and fell with heavy an aching anticipation. Up until then I hadn’t been aware of the fact that my own hand had drifted to my breasts, where I began to toy and pleasure my own nipple. I felt her hand press against my mound, her palm flat against the shaven feminine treasure that did so long to be caressed. The sensations were being made worse by the fact that still water lapped at the lips of sex, water that swirled within the silken moist folds of my stimulated sex, causing more and tension to be wound up inside it. She kissed me again, a long sumptuous embrace an act that was driven by passion and had me purring like a kitten. It was a decoy, I realised that, as a few seconds after the long kiss had began I felt her finger slip into the heated chamber of my aching pussy. A shudder of delight enveloped me, immediately she toyed, playing, teasing, let it perform its magic, slipping back and forth, water splashing at the lips, finger delving deeper into my treasure trove. Barely could I contain myself, my body was amass of delight, nerve ends were so vibrant that felt as though they were charged with electrical atoms. Feeling your fingers delve into my flesh, touching, caressing and stimulating the most intimate and feminine part of my body was beyond belief, the more you slowly teased me, the further I did advance towards the pleasure of orgasmic abandonment. My eyes were now closed again, my face a picture of concentration, my chest heaving, emotions struggling to be contained. I could hear the whimpers of my own delight, the soulful sounds of orgasmic pulses rampantly sweeping through my body. I was teetering, dangling over the edge, fighting the compulsion to release the pleasure, forcing it to become an almost delightful agony. Again I felt your lips bequeath upon my neck, a kiss, an embrace of sensual delight. Your warm moist tongue drawn up its form, following its narrow contours until it touched the beginnings of my jaw. Your fingers delved deeper into the satin mass of my sex, stimulating and tormenting, it, bestowing upon it, stimulations that were magnificent if not oh so dramatic. Oh how they played, fingers that danced within me, touching, stroking contorting emotions, nurturing the delight, growing exponentially, until I could hold back no more. The orgasmic tore through me, like tsunami of passion, raw and relentless its waves consuming every millimetre of my slender body. Nerve ends were so vibrantly alive, it was like a current of delectable electricity that swept around my sex, but expanded to the extremities of both the crown of my head and tip of my toes. Perhaps now, as we sit in this darkened room, the night slowly passing by, a room subdued, darkened to give the romantic, sensual feel, a roaring fire, that crackles and spits, like the traditional, Victorian one of old England, perhaps in this moment you have again managed to read my thoughts, for slowly you do stand up and move towards me. Your arms extend out, towards me, who does immediately respond, the need to feel you, to be close, to near, is akin to that of an addiction. Slowly you draw me to my feet, move me towards you, a small, brief kiss, an embrace that maybe short in time, but one that is so packed with promise is placed upon my mouth, your fingers softly caressing my hands, before you lead me into the darkness of the bedroom. I observe you, like a young shy lover, a novice that is spell bound by all that she is seeing. My eyes feast upon you, as gradually the flimsy silken robe that you wear is removed, revealing a form that can be described as breath taking and wondrous. I am mesmerised, if not captivated by you, hypnotised by the ravishing spectacle that I can see. The rounded mounds of flesh, which sit upon your chest, the pillows of satin that, are dedicated to passion. The elegant curvature of your body, long slender legs, sculptured thighs, trim waist, I watch as your own hands touch and tease the breasts that I know I shall soon languish rich oral praise upon. I can almost feel the erectness of their nipple beneath my tongue, feel the soft flesh, as my mouth worships their beauty, all this I do feel as I stand there watching, observing you, my forever enchantress. Oh how I want to be doing what your are now, to replace your hands with mine and let them soulfully, erotically touch and feel every inch of that gracious naked body of your. I want to hear you murmur with delight and know that it is I who is bequeathing you with this enjoyment. To feel my fingers play with those nipples, to touch them as you are and replace my hand with my aching mouth that shall for an age bestow nothing but extended passionate embraces upon these majestic breasts that you so do have my darling. I step forward timidly, my heart pounding, clit thundering, thumping between my legs, alighting nerve ends and sending ripples of arousal cascading through my form yet again. Standing facing each other, our bodies so close that we could feel each others heaving bosoms, you hold my hands, gradually cupping them in yours, drawing them to your face where lightly you place a tender kiss upon their knuckles. Pressing my arms against the rounded mounds of your breasts, I can feel the erectness, the arousal of this moment within you. The flesh that encircles the stork like nipple is so soft, so delectable that my body tingles under the influence of my rampant and vivid imagination. Finally I summon up the courage, my hunger for you is so intense, so thirsty am I that this denial has almost killed me. My hands move rapidly, snatching upwards, clamping upon the sides of your face, my head inches towards your, my mouth opens, as does yours. The embrace is passionate, mouths feast, lips mould together and tongues sweep, you hands hold my waist, as our passionate enthusiasm grows into a feverish oral melody. Kiss after kiss, lips of satin pressing against each other, mouths consuming, transferring the passion and desire from one person to the other. My hands touch, hold and stroke your face, looping around your neck, fingers entwined within your hair, forcing you ever closer to me and deeper into this heavy lovers embrace. Our mouths tease, as your hands now do swarm over my lower body, touching the tops of my legs, moving across to the inner part of my naked thighs. I feel your hand, oh how it causes mini eruptions within me. My whole body alighted, charged with tiny, yet profound orgasmic convulsions that follow the trail that your hand leaves behind upon my form. So wild does your caresses make me, that I am spurred on, motivated into a frenzied lust my mouth rampant in its erotic desire to consume every inch of your oral chamber. Your sensual molesting continues, your hands now do run over my naked buttocks, fingers kneading, massaging the soft flesh of my rump. I feel your body against mine, breast to breast, your tongue darting, flitting and exploring every part of my mouth. My entire form is so vibrant, buzzing with charges of erotic delight, nerves jangle and tingle, flesh alighted by sensual experiences I watch as you spread yourself out upon the bed, sat with your legs open, looking at me through glossy, seductive and passionate eyes that are drunk with elicitor of desire. A kind smile, a blink of the eyes are all that you offer me, but it is enough, I step forwards and slowly lower myself down to join you, drawing myself onto the bed, positioning myself between your splayed legs. We kissed once more, this time the passion is intense, the act of oral embracement lasts for prolonged seconds, if not minutes, as our mouths pay homage to one another. You lay down beneath me, your hands brushing the hair from my face, drawing me up your body, towards the enchanting vision of your countenance. We kiss, but briefly this time before my desires get a grip and I find myself wanting to taste the pillows of your sweet feminine chest. I languish long and exuberant embraces upon the left breast, kisses of desire, toying with the erect bud of the nipple itself. Fingers spread out over it, so that I can attain a better position, lips, tongue and fingers sensually toying with the aching, throbbing breast. How I have dreamt of this moment, of being above you, touching, provoking and fulfilling the desires of intimacy that you have. To tease, lick and pay homage to hot salty feminine flesh, bestowing upon your body and breasts the desire that it does so richly deserve. My head rises with every breath that you take, my kisses become deeper, more passionate, my terminative tongue and lips bestowing orgasmic tingling within you. I hear the faint murmur a coo of delight, your body responding, and your face laidend with the pleasures, which you so often tonight have given me. Your fingers dance over my body, one hand moves unto my head and cradles it, pressing it down against the breast that desires the fullest of impacts that I can bestow upon it. I feel every shudder of delight, every nuance of excitement, the electricity of stimulation, the rush of eroticism that rampantly charges through you. Slowly, stealth fully I descend downwards, kissing passionately the centre of your rib cage, gliding my tongue over the soft naked flesh, which leaves you in a state of blissful awe. Your body is so alive, so vibrant in its soulful celebrations, your flesh tingling with joy, as your body does twist and turn with pleasure. Murmurs of joy now have become a chorus of delight, my passionate oral temptation delivering its explosive charge. I can feel the heat of arousal, the thunder of your heart, the swooning of enjoyment as you arch your body so dramatically, savouring this orgasmic wonder. Barely can you wait to feel my mouth press against the moistness of your over heated and impassioned sex, your legs spread further apart, granting me unrestricted access to the shaven, delectable mound of your pussy. Your mound of nectar, waiting, wanting and desiring to be explored its odour of your arousal so strong that I can taste it without placing my lips onto you. How your sex must throb, the pounding of passion, the pulsing of expectancy, the charging of lust all waiting to be unleashed. Finally the temptation came, with my face between your splayed legs, so close to your sex, my eyes glanced up the majestic nakedness that was your body, I smiled almost gleefully. Your hand ran over the shaven mound of your quim, I could see the dew drops of passion; my face began to edge closer, moving slowly towards the treasure trove of your desire. Almost as soon as my mouth made contact, a tremble of bliss swept through, the anticipation mounting so much that the slightest caress could almost take you to the point of climax. My tongue glided up the slit, between your lips, just enough pressure to lightly caress the moistness within. Oh how your body responded, how you arched your back with utter delight, soft sensual murmurings escaped your lips like a chorus of erotic pleasure. My hands now slipped under your legs, clamping your inner thighs drawing your sex in to meet my lustful mouth. Your chest rose so dramatically, your body a glow with passion, which did demand all of it to be spent. Each kiss and lick I bestowed brought you closers to passions edge, your murmurings gathering momentum and desire, your body akin to a vibrator that had lost all control. My mouth continued kissing wildly, tongue pushing through the hot damp folds of your inner sex, teasing and tormenting the quim that so richly deserved its rewards. Soon your body was contorting, your hands held my head, drawing me closer, forcing my tongue to delve ever deeper into the abyss of your beauty. Every part of your body was alive, vibrantly dancing, I could feel the muscles within you tighten and constrict, as you struggled to contain the pleasure. You lasted only a few seconds more, but it was long enough for me to launch into a frenzied and often lustful devouring act, a mouth passionately and rampantly munching at hot and throbbing pussy. The orgasm tore through you in perfect style, your eyes closed tight, hands clamping my head, chest heaving, shrills of utter euphoria coming from your mouth, wave after wave, it washed through you, until every bit was spent.