Feeling the Pinch by sweet-as-honey © This is my first story posting to Literotica. If I get enough feedback then I will post some more. The first day in my new job hadn't been exactly as I envisaged. As the new office junior I had expected to be used just as a general dogsbody. Photocopying, filing and coffee making was about all I could see myself being asked to do. In the event I had been thrown well and truly into the deep end. Mrs Buckley, the lady who owned the insurance brokers who had employed me, apologised as soon as I walked through the door. "I'm sorry Tricia, I was hoping to ease you into the routine of things for your first few days." She told me, even before I had the chance to take my coat off, "But Lynda and Shirley who help me run this business were involved in a rather bad motoring accident yesterday and won't be in work for a while. Lynda has some rather nasty cuts and bruises and Shirley suffered a broken wrist and collar bone." "Oh, I see." I replied, not really knowing what to say. "I will ring around the agencies later this morning to see if I can arrange some temporary cover to tide us over." She continued. "Meanwhile, if you would like to take your coat off and hang it in the cloakroom I'll rustle us up some coffee and we will see if we can work out a plan of action until the cavalry arrives." I slipped my coat off my shoulders and headed towards the cloakroom and as I passed her she said, "And by the way, happy birthday for last Friday. I hope that you had a nice day." I turned to her, smiled and said, "Thank you, I did, very nice indeed." before continuing on my way across the office. As I stood just inside the doorway I could see my new boss collecting some empty cups from the desk and counter in the office. Apart from five chairs, that was the only furniture in the small room. Mrs. Buckley was a tall slim woman, very pretty, a shade under six feet tall making her five or six inches taller than me, around her early forties, with long blonde hair and stunningly blue eyes. Her fingernails were long, impeccably manicured and varnished bright red, the colour matching her lips. She was wearing a jacket, the type where the front doesn't quite come together and a matching skirt which finished about an inch or two above her knees. Under her jacket I could see a cream coloured opaque blouse unbuttoned about a third of the way down with a lacy white bra visible through the material. Like me she wasn't very big in the breast department, around a size 32b I would have estimated. It had been my eighteenth birthday when I had finished school three days earlier. I wanted to make an impression on my first day at work so I dressed myself smartly. I wore a dark blue skirt with the hem about four inches above the knee and a pale blue blouse to compliment it. Unlike Mrs. Buckley my bra holding its 32a breasts was well and truly hidden. I had my red hair cut short the day before. I like it like that, not quite cropped but very short. I walked out of the cloakroom just as Mrs. Buckley was placing two cups of steaming coffee onto the desk. "Right Tricia, as I told you at your interview, most of our custom is walk in. The clients come into the office for an insurance quote and we give them one on the spot." She said. "I think the best thing we can do for the time being is for you to work on the counter taking care of the visiting clients." She walked me over to a computer terminal on one end of the counter and fired it up. "It is quite simple." She said. "On the screen you will see a form and you just click the mouse into a field and fill in the information that is required. Each field is clearly identified so you shouldn't have any problems. When you have completed all of the fields just click onto the blue square at the right and it will search the database to find the best quote. A print out will appear from the printer in just a few seconds and you pass this onto the client. They can either take it away with them or, if they accept the quote you click onto the red square and the computer will process the cover there and then. The client can then pay by personal cheque, credit card or transfer payment onto their account. An Insurance cover note will be printed along with a receipt. Very simple, I don't think that you will have any problems at all." "That seems easy enough Mrs. Buckley." I said. "Oh, please call me Brenda." She said. "You're not the office junior now, you have been instantly promoted to Temporary Assistant Manager." We both laughed and returned to the desk to drink our coffees. "I will stay with you when the first client arrives in case you have any problems, but I'm sure you will be okay." She said. "I will just be at my desk dealing with the telephone clients so if you have any problems just shout." On the stroke of nine Brenda unlocked the door and just a few seconds later a young man walked in and asked for a quote for his new car. As Brenda said it was easy to fill in the form and I clicked on the blue square and as if by magic a printed quote appeared from the printer. The client accepted the quote, produced his credit card and I completed the transaction. The whole process was dealt with in less than five minutes. When the client had left Brenda said that I had done very well and she would leave me to carry on, repeating that I only needed to call her and she would come to help. By this time another client had come in and the whole process was started again. A steady stream of clients passed through the office during the morning and everything went smoothly. At about 11.30 it quietened down a little and Brenda took the opportunity to call a couple of agencies to try and arrange some cover but had little success. All she could obtain was one lady who wanted a couple of hours work around the middle of the day. As this lady had plenty of experience in this type of work Brenda decided to take her on. This would at least give each of us a chance for a lunch break. At twelve thirty a lady in her late fifties arrived and introduced herself as Maud and said that she had been sent by the agency to work. She was quickly shown around as we had become quite busy again, and she said that she would have no problem in doing the work. Brenda then sent me off for my lunch. I returned after forty-five minutes and after exchanging a few words with Brenda she left for her short break. I stood by the counter wondering if my first day would be my last. Just ten minutes after Brenda had left I had let rip with a tirade of expletives to Maud resulting in her swearing back to me before saying that she would have me out of my job before the day was through and I would be sorry that I even got out of bed that morning. I continued with my work as best as I could and on the occasions that the telephone rang I told the callers that we were suffering a minor technical hitch and requested that they please call back a little later. Brenda came back into the office a lot later than I expected after being away for over an hour. I was on my own when she returned. "Where's Maud?" She asked. "I'm sorry Brenda, but we had a bit of a disagreement and she left just after you went for lunch." I replied. "She said that she would call you to have me sacked and would be willing to return if I wasn't here." "What was the disagreement about?" She asked. I replied that I would rather not say, but if she wanted me to leave then I would. I would of course stay for the rest of the day so as not to cause her too much trouble. I told her that I was very sorry. "It must have been something very serious for you to react like that." She told me. "There is no reason that you should leave. I will wait until I hear from Maud before I decide what to do. But based solely on your work this morning, I think that it would have to be something rather major to make me change my mind about your employment. Are you sure you don't want to tell me what it was about?" "If I told you I don't think that you would believe me." I answered. "Let's see what Maud has to say when she calls and I will answer her accusations if and when she makes them." Brenda smiled to me and said, "Okay then, we will do that." She then went and sat in her chair. A client came into the office and I dealt with her while Brenda was sitting behind her computer. When the client left Brenda called me over. She pointed to a small black box affixed to the ceiling. "Do you know what that is?" she asked me. "No." I replied, "Is it some kind of sprinkler?" "It's a digital closed circuit video camera." She informed me. "Now sit beside me and look at the screen." A perfect image of me standing behind the counter came onto the monitor. A customer was standing on the other side as Maud approached me from behind. The video clearly showed her placing a hand on my shoulder and after a few seconds we watched as it slid down my back and onto my ass, rested for a few more seconds before she started caressing it and then finally gave it a pinch. The client could be seen leaving as her hand then started to move, obviously aiming to go up my skirt. Before it could be slipped inside I turned and slapped Maud across the face. I turned to Brenda and said, "It's a good job you can't hear what I said to her." Brenda tapped a couple of keys on the keyboard and the clip returned to the beginning. She pressed another key and the speakers clicked. We watched the clip again, this time with stereo sound. You could clearly hear the slap as my hand made contact with Maud's face. "Fuck off you fucking fat fucking rat-bag. Get your fucking things and fuck off and don't bother fucking coming back." "What gives you the authority to tell me to fuck off? You're nothing but the office junior." She could be heard saying. "Actually, I'm the assistant office manager, and if I tell you to fuck off then you will fuck off." I replied. I stood up and made my way to the cloakroom. I felt so embarrassed. Brenda followed me and as I was wiping a tear away from my eye she put her arm around me and told me that I had nothing to worry about. She went on to tell me that she was proud of the way I handled myself and that I was so professional to wait until the client had left before I took action and that she would back me all the way. She told me to go back to work and she would take care of everything. As the afternoon progressed the memory of what had happened that lunchtime slowly faded from my thoughts only to be resurrected when I heard Brenda talking in a very load voice on the telephone. "I don't care what she has told you." She shouted down the mouthpiece. "She is a disgrace. If it wasn't for the coolness and calm of my Office Manager she could well have ended up in the casualty room. I will not tolerate behaviour like that. If you still don't believe me then please feel free to visit the office and I will willingly show you the video evidence. What's more, if Tricia doesn't receive a full hand written apology from this disgrace of a woman by the end of tomorrow's business, I will instruct my company's legal department to start proceedings for compensation. Good day to you." She carefully placed the receiver down. She looked at me, smiled and said, "I think that's taken care of. Let's see the old rat-bag get out of that!" She came over and put her arm around my shoulder and gave me a hug. "Right, two more minutes and you can lock the office door and get ready to go home." She told me. "I'll be here for at least another couple of hours to try and catch up on the paperwork, otherwise I would have treated you to a drink for all your hard work today." "Thank you, that comment is very appreciated." I replied. "Apart from the incident lunchtime I have really enjoyed myself today. It was nothing like I expected." "Well young lady, because of your attitude today I have decided to forgo the six months trial period and starting from this morning you are now a full member of staff, and that includes your salary." She informed me. "I have decided to put you wage up to the full rate with immediate effect, and if it is okay with you, we will try and run the office on our own until the others are well enough to return to work." I didn't know what to say. I had been employed for just one day and already my wages had doubled. I put my arms around her and gave her a big hug." "Thank you, thank you very much." I told her, "I don't know what else to say, except I really would like that drink. Perhaps I could help you with the paperwork before I go home and then we could go have it afterwards." "That is a very nice thought, but it takes me over an hour to get back on the train, then another fifteen minutes to walk to the house so it would be very late before I actually got home." She said. "Then, by the time I have had a shower, fixed myself a meal and sorted my things out for tomorrow it would be time for bed. I really do think that it's a very nice thought, but unfortunately not very practical." "Then don't go home!" I said. "Pardon?" she replied. "Don't go home." I repeated. "You told me earlier that you lived on your own with not even a pet to keep you company so why not stay with me tonight?" "I couldn't do that." She said. "I haven't got any sleeping clothes, toothbrush or even a change of clothing, not to mention any clean underwear for tomorrow." "So?" I said. "I have a new toothbrush that you can have and I'm sure that I can find you something to sleep in. As for a change of clothes, you won't believe the amount of new, unworn clothes that I have in my wardrobes. We are about the same dress size so I'm sure that there will be lots of things that you will like." "I would still need clean underwear and anyway, I couldn't possibly put you to all that trouble, especially after only knowing you for just a day." She said. "On the way home we would walk past a nice shop that sells lovely underwear for a very good price, and it's open until ten every night." I told her. "And it would certainly be no trouble for me if you stayed. I live in a big three bed-roomed apartment on my own. The two girls who I let rooms out to have gone as they have both now finished their collage courses." "I don't know," she said, "You have already worked a full day, I can't expect you to work half the night as well." "We won't even have to cook," I told her, "I could order a take-away to be delivered, and there is a lovely little wine bar just around the corner. It would be so nice to have a drink and a chat outside of work. We can get to know each other a little better." "Okay then," she said, "I'll take you up on that offer, but only if you will let me pay for the meal." "That's settled then." I said. Within an hour we were leaving the office. We walked for about five minutes and told each other a little of our lives when we reached the store that I had mentioned earlier. We entered and I took her straight to the racks where the underwear was displayed. I needed one or two items myself so I left her to browse. I waited at the checkout and she joined me with a rather full basket containing an assortment of items. It took us another ten minutes before we arrived home. I showed her to one of the bedrooms and then went to make some coffee. After a few minutes she joined me and we sat in the lounge for a while before she asked me if it would be okay for her to take a shower. "Would you like to take a look at the clothes I told you about first?" I asked her. "Then you can choose something and take with you to change into after your shower." She replied that she would and I took her to my bedroom. This room is all different shades of pink and it always feels so warm. Two adjoining walls are taken up with wardrobes, a large double bed and a dressing table making up the other furnishings. I opened the double doors of one wardrobe and Brenda gasped as she caught sight of the clothes that were hanging there. "They are beautiful." She said, "Where on earth did you get them from?" "Linda, one of the girls who used to live here was a design student. She couldn't afford much rent so we had a deal. She gave me clothes that she designed and made in return for her keep." "I think that you must have got the better half of the deal." She said. "These clothes are simply gorgeous." I opened the other, larger wardrobe to reveal an even greater number of garments. "Take your pick." I told her. "Most have never been worn." She picked out about a dozen items and laid them onto the bed. After looking at them for several minutes she decided to take her shower before trying any of them on. I showed her to the bathroom and gave her some towels before going back into the bedroom to find something for myself to wear. When she came back into the room she had one of the towels wrapped around her and was carrying a bag with which contained some of the items that she had purchased earlier. I left the room and went to have my shower. When I returned she was trying on a black trouser suit, but being that much taller than me the legs were far too short. I noticed a nice dark yellow loose chiffon dress hanging in the corner of the big wardrobe and told her that was what I was going to wear. That dress is a favourite of mine. It is almost transparent but is complimented by a yellow bra and panties set. I took it from the robe and lay it onto the bed. I took the panties from the hanger and pulled them on under my towel. I turned my back to Brenda and dropped my towel to the floor. As I reached for the tiny bra I caught a glimpse of Brenda in the mirror of my dressing table. She was looking at me. I had my arms in front of my breasts, but for some reason I let them drop. I could see in the mirror that she was looking at them. I gulped slightly as I felt a lump in my throat. I knew that she was looking at my bare breasts, and I liked the feeling that I was getting. I took my time in getting the bra from the hanger. When the other girls had shared with me we all used to walk about naked when we had been in the shower, or in just our underwear when we were changing, but I had never before experienced the feelings that I was getting now. I turned sideways on to Brenda as I finally removed the bra from the hanger. I could feel her eyes on my breasts, and I liked it. I slowly put the bra on and then turned to face Brenda as I pulled the dress on over my head. I adjusted it and asked her what she thought. "It is lovely." She said, "Simply lovely." I took another chiffon dress from the robe. This one was layered, in pastel shades of turquoise, green and blue. "Try this one on." I said as I handed it to her. I sat on the end of the bed facing her. She took the dress and placed it beside me. She slipped the jacket she was wearing off of her shoulders and put it the other side of me and then slid the trousers down. She placed those on top of the jacket. She stood there in just a black lacy set of bra and panties. She had the body of a woman half of her age. I could feel my heart pounding within my chest. Why was I feeling like this? The lump retuned to my throat. I just sat there and looked at her. She stood for a few seconds before she stepped towards me and picked up the dress from the bed. She stepped back and slowly pulled the dress over her body. She looked wonderful. As she turned to look at herself in the mirror she realized that her underwear was showing through the material. I cleared my throat before I told her that the dress was designed to be worn without any underwear. It was a lie. If she had looked in the wardrobe she would have found a bra and panties set made for the dress. "I couldn't wear it like that." She said. "Why not?" I asked. "The layers of the material will hide the fact that you will be naked beneath. Try it."