"The 43rd Notch on the Bedpost I had come back from a holiday where my sole objective had been to screw a different girl every day - I succeeded. But now it was time to work again. Despite my problems, I had managed to get a promotion, so I was starting to earn more money than I needed to fund my lifestyle. The housing market was depressed at the time, so it was a perfect opportunity to get on the housing ladder. It was a beaten up dump, and when it came down to it, I didnt have the heart to get on with making it habitable - I liked my bachelor flat too much. It was 9am and I had a mountain of memos (remember those?) on my desk to clear up, so I called the office secretary to come and help me. Karen had been working on my floor for a while, she an ordinary sort of girl, about 5' 6" with shoulder length auburn hair. She was quite large hipped, and had moderately large breasts, so I had noticed her. In fact the possibility of a liaison had crossed my mind more than once. It had never happened as either I was with someone else or she was. The last I heard she was with someone called Geoff. Karen came over to me wearing sunglasses. `You cant do this with those on' I joked to her. She removed them, revealing a shining black eye. I looked at her closely and I could see she had a fat lip and a bruise on her cheek covered by makeup. `What the hell happened?' I asked as I shepherded her into a private office. Karen looked about to cry. `What happened? I persisted. `Geoff hit me'. I could tell it had been more than once. `Why?' `Because...' Karen burst into heaving sobs. `I told him I was pregnant'. I asked her for the full story. Geoff had lost his job a couple of months ago and had started drinking. Karen was holding the finances together somehow but then missed a couple of periods. When she started to be sick I the mornings she had done a pregnancy test and it was positive, so last night she had told him. He wasn't as sober as she had thought and he had lashed out at her. He said she had done it deliberately to trap him and smacked her around some more. He took all the money out of her purse and stormed out to the pub to get more drunk. The story didn't end there. When he came back in, he had decided to make it up to her by holding her down, forcing her legs apart and having sex with her. `He raped you?' I couldn't believe it. `you should go to the police'. `They wont do anything - it was just a domestic' she replied bitterly. `Then you need to get out of there' `I don't have anywhere else to go. No money either'. Tears started to roll down her face again. I was so outraged that this bastard could get away with his behaviour, the words came out before I could think about them. `You can stay at my place until you can get sorted' I said. `Come on' I cleared another days leave with my boss, then we grabbed out coats and went out to my car. Our first stop was the doctors surgery - they will always make room for you if tell them a pregnant woman has had a fall and needs to be checked over. They naturally assumed I was the father and asked me if I wanted to stay with her. I went to say no, but Karen beat me to it - `Please stay'. Karen was told to lay down on the examination couch. It was too early to get a heartbeat, but an ultrasound would reveal if there was movement. The nurse lifted up Karen's jumper and blouse. There was an ugly bruise on Karen's side, but there was also the merest hint of an enlarged stomach. After smearing on some lubricant, the nurse placed the ultrasound sensor on Karen's tummy, then with a little searching she said `there's baby'. It was amazing. There was a blob on the screen, but it had definite arms and legs, and then it twitched. I was enthralled and could have watched it all day. `Baby's fine' the nurse told us. `I will just do a quick internal.' I didn't really want to stay from this point, but I couldn't see what was going on, so I just held Karen's hand and kept quiet. The nurse removed Karen's panties. From what I could see, the nurse had put some lubricant on her finger and was now feeling inside Karen's vagina. Karen winced in pain a little. The nurse obtained an instrument from a cupboard and explained that it was going to be a little cold, but she was going to use it to look inside Karen's vagina. She carefully inserted the speculum, flicked on it's light and after a few adjustments she turned to me and called me over. `Do you see these red marks here and here?' I peered inside Karen's vagina and nodded like a schoolboy. `And can you see that the cervix is enflamed?' I peered curiously into the depths of Karen's vagina at the small pink ring of her cervix. There was something distinctly like semen around it. `These marks are telltale signs of vigorous sex'. Now that Karen is pregnant you must restrict yourselves to gentle intercourse only. I nodded my understanding. `Providing you both take a little more care from now on there is no reason why you shouldn't have a beautiful baby in 6 months'. Back in the car, Karen said `Sorry about that - I didn't mean for you to take that crap from Florence Nightingale'. `That's ok. I have never seen a cervix before.' Me and my mouth. Fortunately Karen giggled. `Where next?' she asked. `Back to your place to pick up some things'. It was a two bedroom flat in quite a nice area. Karen explained that they struggled to afford it when she and Geoff had first moved in, but when he lost his job, there was no chance of hanging on to the place. She went round picking up clothes and a few odds and ends. I looked over the place out of curiosity. There was nothing of any value here that Karen should take, perhaps the TV and the video but that was about it. I wondered into the bedroom, and noticed some blood and semen stains on the sheets. I came back out again quickly. Karen left without looking back. We arrived back at my place. As a one bedroom flat, it was perfect for a young man living alone, but with two people in it, it was cramped. I showed Karen where she could put her stuff. `I can sleep on the couch until you get sorted. You take the bed.' I had a selfish thought for a brief second - this was going to seriously cramp my style. I banished the thought by reminding myself that this poor pregnant woman had been raped and left virtually penniless by a complete bastard. `I really ought to pay some rent or something' said Karen `We can sort that out when you have some money. You are my guest for the moment'. The following day, I took Karen to work. She had not left a note for Geoff - the removal of her personal things should be message enough. The black eye was receding a little, and could be covered with makeup so we were able to work as normal. When the day ended I drove Karen back home. We didn't know that Geoff was following us back to my flat. Karen went into the house and sat down - her feet were starting to ache. I started to cook something for us to eat. Then the hammering at the door started. `Karen!'. It was Geoff. `Karen! Come out, I know you are there!' There was no avoiding it, so I told Karen to stay in the bedroom while I sorted this out. I opened the door. `Karen doesn't want to see you' I told Geoff. `Karen! Come back to me' he still seemed to think they were together. `Karen! I love you' he was drunk. `Geoff. You beat her up, stole from her and raped her. She doesn't want you anymore' I said, looking as threatening as I could. He looked at me, dumbstruck for a moment. `I suppose you've had her by now. She begged me to stop last time I had her you know - she squealed like a pig when I held her down and fucked her dry. She probably still has my spunk in her cunt right now you know. Did she suck your cock? - she's good at that. Did you fuck her arse - make her bleed?' He was trying to get a reaction from me. He didn't succeed so he took a swing at me instead. I easily dodged his fist, then landed a right of my own - I think I broke his nose. Then I followed up with a left to his ribs, and a final right to his chin. He fell in a bleeding heap on the floor, spluttering blood. `Karen doesn't want you anymore because you are an abusive rapist.' I whispered to him, tucking a roll of £20 notes into his pocket. `I suggest you take this and get very, very drunk and never come back here again'. He staggered away. I went back inside to find Karen sobbing. `Has he gone?' she pleaded. `Yes' `Did you hurt him?' `Yes.' `Good' I completed the meal that I had been cooking - it was a little overdone, but still tasted good. We sat watching TV together for a while, then Karen asked `Do you have a girlfriend?' This is always a tricky one to answer, but I find the truth is usually the best bet. `I did have, but it didn't work out.' `So there is no one then?' `There have been a few since then, but no one special. I am not really looking for anyone right now'. `Oh' Karen seemed a little deflated. There was a pause as we ate, then she said `I have been thinking about the sleeping arrangements' `Hmm?' I said in a non committal way. `You are going to get crippled sleeping on the sofa, and I can see I can trust you'. `Ok' I said, smirking, `but no funny business'. Bed time arrived, and Karen went into the bedroom first to change. After a respectable wait, I retrieved some boxers from the bedroom and changed in the bathroom. This was a new experience for me. I went back into the bedroom. Karen was reading. I couldn't help noticing how heavy her breasts were in her nightie - probably the pregnancy to thank for that. I slid in beside her, feeling her warmth in the covers. `Are you ready to sleep?' she asked. I replied that I was, so she turned out the bedside lamp. We laid next to each other in the bed, both unable to slumber. She sniffed a little. `Andrew, can you hold me for a little while please' she asked, tearfully. `Of course I can' I snuggled up to her, spooning from behind, my arm around her tummy. She was warm and soft and I could feel her bottom against the front of my boxers. To my dismay I started to get an erection. We laid there together for a little while, then Karen asked `Andrew, I really would really like to make love to you' I paused. I didn't want this to get complicated - no way was I cut out to be a father to this baby. `Ok, but just as friends' I responded. `I understand'. She sat up and pulled off her nightie, revealing her pendulous breasts in the moonlight. I pulled off my boxers, leaving my penis proud for her. She stroked it for a little while, then lowered her mouth down to it. Geoff was right - she was good at it. She sucked me until I felt about to cum, then stopped in order to straddle me, slowly lowering herself down onto my erection with a gentle sigh. A pregnant pussy is like no other pussy - it isn't tight, but more heavy and enveloping, and the pussy juice is slightly more sticky. I would recommend it as something for anyone to try at least once. I had listened to the nurse the previous day, so I didn't try anything vigorous and I allowed Karen to pump up and down on me. There was no point in stopping myself from coming, so when Karen climaxed I allowed myself to cum, pumping my seed into where Geoff's had been a couple of days before. The next morning, I woke up to find the bed empty. Karen was downstairs frying something up for me. We sat down to eat together. Karen seemed very chipper. I had to do something. `Karen, I had hoped to bring a friend back here later today' `Oh' She looked upset. I leant forward to her `What happened last night was just as friends' `Of course' she replied brightly. `So would you mind not being around until say, 10pm?' I asked. ` I can give you some money for the cinema or something' She looked rather crestfallen, but I had to get the message across to her that we were not boyfriend and girlfriend. I didn't actually have a specific date lined up, but over the last few years I had established a few former lovers who were happy to fuck again for old times sake. The evening arrived, and Karen took herself off to the cinema. My date arrived (Notch 17 if you are interested), and we took our time reacquainting ourselves with each other's bodies. Our lovemaking went on rather longer than expected, and I was just leaving my load in `17' when I heard the front door open. `Its just my houseguest' I explained. ` she doesn't mind' `17' cleaned my dick off with her tongue, then climbed out of the bed to get her clothes on. `Have you seen my knickers?' she asked. I shook my head - I had hidden them under the mattress. She had an amazing short skirt which barely covered her bottom. She kept looking but gave up after a while. I lead the way to the hallway, which was in full view of Karen who was sitting in the living room. '17' and I kissed goodnight deeply and sensuously, then I grabbed her bare bottom under her skirt, exposing it to the room and squeezing it. It wasn't too far for my finger to reach her shaved slit, which was wet with my cum. I wiped a goop of sperm onto my finger and offered it to `17', who licked it hungrily from my finger. `Mmm, goodnight honey - see you again soon' she whispered to me as she left. Karen was doing her best to look unconcerned. I felt like a bit of a bastard, but it had to be done. `Do you want me to go on the sofa tonight?' I asked. `No that's ok' she replied. That night we snuggled up together in the bed again. We didn't have sex that night, but I still enjoyed the warmth of Karen's sleeping body against mine. I had many other guests during the period that Karen was there, and she never complained once. It seemed unfair to ask her to make herself scarce in the cinema every time, so in the end she stayed downstairs whilst I fucked whoever it was upstairs. Karen had been there about 3 weeks which was about 2 weeks more than I had envisaged. She had had her salary by then, so we agreed that she could cover the cost of the groceries and leave it at that. The problem remained of what to do about her living with me (I enjoyed the no strings sex, but apart from the pregnancy angle I could have that with anyone). Then I realised. I had my property waiting for renovation, and to be able to stay in my bachelor pad was an added bonus. The next day was Saturday, so I took Karen to my property. We arrived at the house with boarded up windows, a hole in the roof and a dodgy floor. `This' I explained `is your new home.' I went through my plans for the place. I told Karen that I would get the building fixed up and as she was going to be my tenant, she could choose all the colour schemes and carpets. I pointed out how one room would make a perfect nursery, another her bedroom. How the living room might look. The kitchen units. She looked at me with tears running down her cheeks. `Thank you Andrew, you are the kindest person I know.' She had sex with me again that night. I told her she didn't need to, but she explained that even pregnant girls have needs - and it was a shame to waste that lovely cock. The work started on the house a few days later, but it was going to be a slow process. I watched Karen get bigger, and took some amusement in her ailments: Firstly, the morning sickness: Ok this isn't amusing - just gross while you are cleaning your teeth or having a pee. Then the swollen feet: I was happy to rub her feet for her, and if I wasn't having a girlfriend around later, she would suck me off. Then the Piles: This was amusing. Karen suffered in silence for a while but eventually went to the doctors and came back with some medication, which she handed to me. `What do I do with this?' I asked. `Use your imagination.' she replied, as she pulled down her knickers and bent over holding her bottom cheeks apart. I took out one of the small bullet shaped pills. `How far should they go in?' I asked. `As far as you can'. I tried to pull her red and swollen rosebud open slightly, then pushed the tip of the suppository inside. With my forefinger, I pushed it in, then further and further in until I could get it no further. `This would be nice if it didn't hurt so much' she complained. We did this every day. And the stretch marks: Karen was concerned she might look like something from the mummy's tomb after baby arrived, so every night she asked me to rub cream into her ever growing belly (I also noticed a strange brown line appearing from her pussy to her navel - how weird was that?). She would usually blow me afterwards. Impressive that she still did this even if I had been inside one of my girlfriends earlier in the evening. The constant peeing, aching breasts and cravings for coal, raw sprouts and turnips I couldn't really help with, but at least her final complaint - that she couldn't see her pubes to trim them - I could help with. She was surprisingly definite about what she wanted `Short but not bare, but you can trim down the sides so its just a little bush in the middle'. I hacked off what I could and told her it looked fine - she wouldn't know until after the baby arrived. The house was making slow progress. By the time Karen was 7 months gone, the structural work was done, new windows and electrics installed and the new heating system fitted. The decorators had arrived to perform the work Karen specified. `It should be complete in a few more weeks' I exclaimed happily. `Actually Andrew, I was wondering if I could stay here until the baby arrives - I don't want to be on my own'. It was becoming my nice guy catchphrase. `Of course you can.' `There is one more thing'. She continued. `would you be my birth partner?' Our routine continued mach as it had. Some nights I spent with Karen alone and others with a girlfriend. `Notch 23' had suggested the Karen join us, but she declined. `Notch 26' had insisted in sucking me off in front of Karen. I apologised afterwards, but Karen said I was a free agent, and there was nothing to apologise for. Intercourse with Karen reduced as she reach full term, but she still had my sperm in her mouth most nights. The big day arrived. I got back from work (Karen was on maternity leave by then), to find Karen in the toilet. `My waters just broke' she explained. I ran around the house like a headless chicken for a while, but then she calmly explained to me that we still had hours yet. `There is one more thing you can do for me. I want you to fuck me now really hard and deep as you can. I want as much sperm in me as you can' Apparently she had read an article that said sex after the waters broke could significantly speed up the birth. However, sex with a nine month pregnant woman is easier said than done. We experimented with a few positions until eventually she perched on the edge of the bed, legs spread wide. I could indeed get really deep and enjoyed thrusting inter her cervix as hard as I could. She let out a moan of pain each time, but then told me to carry on. I finally thrust one last time as hard as I could and emptied my balls into her. She started to orgasm, but then I realised it was a contraction. It had started. `Slow down. We want to arrive in one piece' she told me in the car between contractions. I knew there was still time, but it is hard not to be in a hurry. At the hospital we were whisked up to the maternity ward. We were given a room, and Karen was asked to get into a gown. `Are you the father?' the young midwife asked. I was going to reply yes, but Karen beat me to it. `No, he is my friend and is going to be my birth partner. The father isn't around'. `That's fine' she said `could you lay down on the bed and I will give you a quick exam' The midwife produced a speculum and I smiled as I was reminded of the doctors surgery 6 months ago. I hoped I wasn't going to get told off again. She looked inside Karen's vagina. `Did you have post amniotic sex?' `Yes' Karen replied sheepishly nodding at me at me. `Sounds complicated' The midwife smiled. `Its supposed to be on old wives tale, but I personally think there might be something in it.' She spoke conspiratorially to Karen `I will make sure each time I do an internal on you that I spread the semen around your cervix'. She slipped her fingers into Karen's vagina, no doubt smearing my sperm around as she gauged the size of Karen's cervix with her fingers. I noticed she wasn't wearing gloves and briefly wondered if that was ethical. Karen seemed to be enjoying the sensation. At least until the next contraction started. `Five centimetres. A little way to go. Karen you mustn't start to push yet'. There was time to fill, so the midwife started idle chatter. After a few minutes of the weather, politics, and the state of the health service, she finally cut to the chase, talking to Karen as if I wasn't there. `So what's the deal with you two? He is not your partner, but he did provide the post amniotic semen?' `He is a really good friend and nothing more' replied Karen. `But he is Hot!' said the midwife in that conspiratorial whisper. `He has a lovely cock as well' grinned Karen `if you want some, go for it' The midwife was pretty hot herself, and in the event she did become the 44th notch on the bedpost a few days later, but that is another story. After hours of contractions occurring ever closer together, the midwife (still smearing my semen no doubt) announced `10 centimetres. Time to push with the contractions Karen' The labour continued. The pussy that I had pounded so hard with my cock a few hours before was now impossibly stretched around the top of the baby's head. I tried to offer encouragement `One more push!' but it really wasn't helping. Karen made one more monumental effort and the head popped out, smeared with what looked suspiciously like my semen. The baby's shoulders were still within Karen's vagina, but the baby seemed alert and looked at me. I fell in love immediately. `Its beautiful Karen. One more push and you really will be there!'. Karen was knackered, but she managed the last push and soon the purple baby, covered in blood and goodness knows what else was suckling on Karen's breast. There was still the afterbirth and a few stitches to sort out, but she had done it. The midwife showed me how to cut the cord, then they wrapped the little girl up and passed her to me while they attended to Karen. `This probably wont be the last time you have sperm on your face young lady' I said to her as I gently wiped my semen from her. She gurgled at me sleepily. `What are you going to call her?' the midwife asked Karen as she stitched her torn vagina. `Andrew, what was your mother's name?' `Ida' I replied. Karen grimaced. `Grandmother?' `I had a sister who died when I was young. She was Amber'. `Amber' repeated Karen, considering the name. `Amber it is.' Part 2: Amber makes her mark. When Karen was ready to leave hospital, I transported her back to her new home. The place was pristine, and I showed Karen a rocking chair I had bought as a surprise. `I understand it is perfect for feeding' I smiled `Well, we had better try it out hadn't we Amber' It is an amazing sight to see. Karen sat down and got comfortable, then undid her blouse, unzipped her maternity bra and positioned Amber at her large dark nipple. Amber knew exactly what to do, and guzzled at the milk flowing from her mother's breast with loud swallowing noises. Karen must have seen I was enchanted. `Jealous?' she asked, grinning. `Yes' I replied, watching the baby some more. Karen opened her blouse a little further and unzipped the other side of her maternity bra, exposing her pale, strangely veined breast to me. `Come on, I know you want to' she told me. A milky drip had formed on the tip of her large, dark nipple. I licked it, but it didn't taste of milk as I knew it. I licked again, but nothing happened, so I took her nipple in my mouth and started to suck. Nothing happened at first, then suddenly squirt of warm milk hit my tongue. It wasn't unpleasant. Quite watery at first, but then going thicker. `Did you get some dear?' she giggled, ruffling my hair as I suckled. `Mmmhmm' I said, continuing to drink from her alongside Amber. `I think Amber is going to have to trade sides with you' Karen asked me. I reluctantly let her huge nipple go from my mouth, and Karen moved Amber over to latch onto that side. `I could really do with some fluids' Karen said to me, a twinkle in her eye. `What would you like?' I asked. `Your spunk' she replied, deftly unzipping me with her free hand and releasing my now hard penis. She started to suckle on me while Amber continued to suckle on her, watching the spectacle with one eye open. I hadn't been with a woman for a couple of days and soon I gave Karen the copious fluids she desired. I visited fairly regularly and was lucky enough to see Amber smile for the first time. As she grew up I saw another few milestones - her first steps, her first words, her first time in big girls knickers, waving her off for her first day at school. If I came over in the evening, Karen often would ask if I wanted to stay over. If I didn't have a date that night I would see to Karen's needs. As Amber got older, she started to see things maybe she shouldn't: She walked in on us fucking, so Karen had to convince her she had something stuck in her tummy and Uncle Andrew was trying to pop it out. Another occasion she caught Karen sucking me off. I had just cum when Amber walked in. Karen managed to convince her I had cut myself and she was kissing it better. `But what's that white stuff on your chin mommy?' As quick as a flash Karen replied `That's special stuff that grownup men sometimes bleed' I still had my own life to lead, and I made a few more notches in the bedpost, but made sure I managed to watch as Amber grew up fast. She was as bright as a button. I taught her to swim, play chess and some of the finer points of cricket. Shortly after Amber's fifth birthday, we read in the local paper that Geoff (described as a homeless man) had been pulled dead from a ditch, apparently after a heavy drinking session. We were both glad, and his death went un-mourned - he deserved worse. But for a terrible event, that is where this story might have ended. It was nearly a year ago when I received a call at work from Amber. `Uncle Andrew, come quick! Mum is on the floor and I cant wake her up' I told Amber not to worry, it was probably just a faint or something. I told her I would call the ambulance, she would have to be brave and go with them to the hospital and I would meet them both there. I rushed as fast as I could to the hospital and met the ambulance as it arrived. I could see Karen's grey face above the blankets as they wheeled her in. I hugged Amber and told her it would be ok, but I knew it was serious. It was an agonising two hours waiting for news. The surgeon finally showed up. The good news was that Karen was awake. The bad news was that a brain scan showed she had a large tumour on her brain. An operation was unlikely to succeed, so we as a family would need to decide how to proceed. Amber and I were shown in to see Karen. She was awake, but had all sorts of tubes coming out of her. `Mummy!' Amber ran over and hugged her mum as best she could. `I need you to wait outside while I talk to uncle Andrew, my love' Karen told her. When Amber was out of the room, Karen explained that she was not going to get better. She had a few weeks at most. Then she hit me with it. `You are the nearest thing she has to a father. I would like you to look after her' I didn't hesitate. `Of course I will, but will social services go along with it? I replied. `You are her father in every way except she didn't grow from you sperm. Get them to visit me and I will get it sorted.' Karen was right - the local authority didn't want to have the expense of putting a young girl into care when she had a perfectly good father who would care for her for free. It was two weeks later that I got the call that Karen wasn't expected to survive the night. I took Amber to say her last goodbyes. Karen was drifting in and out of consciousness, but managed a weak hug with Amber, then looked at me and said `You do know I always loved you?' `Yes' I replied. `and I love you' She smiled briefly, then she was gone. Amber was 11 years old when her mother died. She dressed in black and threw some dirt on the coffin without shedding a tear. Only after the service, when everyone else had gone and the two of us were alone on a bench in the graveyard did she cry. `Uncle Andrew', she sniffed. `Are you my father?' I considered for a little while. `I wasn't there when you were conceived, but I was there for your first scan, when you first kicked inside your mother, when you were born, when you first walked, and every birthday party you have had. That doesn't make me your father, but I think it makes me your dad'. `Do you know my father?' she asked. `Not really. He died when you were small'. `Uncle Andrew', she sniffed again `Can I call you Dad?' `Of course you can, but only if I can call you my daughter' We sat cuddling together, both crying in our loss and our happiness.