The Temptations of Babylon 8 Postlude I woke the next morning still feeling light and content. The ambiguous feelings I had been having every since I arrived had disappeared. With their disappearance was a new confidence and contentment. Christine was making breakfast when I walked into the kitchen. I walked up behind her and wrapped her in my arms kissing her neck. She squealed in surprise and turned in my arms. "Well," she said when she noticed I had arrived sans clothing. I leaned forward and kissed her. It was not a kiss of passion but one of affection and love. She drew back from the kiss and a puzzled look crossed her face. I'm sure she expected a randy boy when she saw how I had showed up, but instead she was being held by a lover. She looked into my eyes and saw those feelings for her, teared up and hugged me as tightly as she could. I held her with as much affection. "You've changed," she said. "No. Not really. I've just realized some things I should have always known," I told her. "I'm glad," she added. I kissed her again and asked, "So, Jack left the books?" She smiled, "I don't have any idea what you are talking about." "How much of this was choreographed by Uncle Jack? Exactly how was it all done?" I asked. She just smiled. "Does it really matter?" I thought about it and agreed, "No, I suppose it doesn't." Christine brought my face down to hers and kissed me. "The girls are going to be so happy." She turned off the stove. "Hey wait a minute," I said. "Just because I love you doesn't mean you can stop feeding me. I'm a growing boy." She reached down and stroked my cock. "Oh goody. I like a growing boy. Don't worry. I won't let you starve. I'll stoke the furnace as much as you need." She started walking toward the bedroom leading me by my rapidly growing cock. On the way, she hit the communication buttons and yelled into the speaker, "Orgy in the bedroom. Last one in gets no breakfast!" In the bedroom Christine threw off her dress and we fell, kissing, onto the bed. Shortly, I heard the rumbles of feet and girlish yells as the girls came rushing into the bedroom and jumped onto the bed with us. "You were last." "No you were." "No, you." They settled in and looked at Christine with curiosity. "Mike took the bait hook, line and sinker. He's ours!" she told them. I was instantly buried under four kissing, laughing, crying women. I relaxed as they started kissing me all over. At last, I knew - I'm already in Heaven. Heaven is where you are - if you choose to make it Heaven.