Sex in the Afterlife Things in the Miller's Tale was very quiet this particular evening. Dead quiet as it would turn out to be. I was sitting at a back table sipping my second double latte, enjoying the gentle buzz it was giving me. Tom Miller, the proprietor was behind the counter taking inventory for the second time this evening to give him something to do, as there were very few customers to serve. I was taking notes on a story a local truck driver had just told me. How this particular truck driver found the Miller's Tale was beyond me. He was not the usual kind you see here. The normal clientele was on the fringe of normal society, this truck driver had gone past the fringe and never looked back. He tried to make me believe that while delivering the morning newspapers to the suburban distribution centers he was abducted be aliens from Alpha Centri. Only these aliens happened to be all female and looked like those sex goddess you might see on the beaches of southern California, except they had green skin (he knew this because none of them wore clothes) and for some unexplained reason all had to have repeated sex with him. Any way, this explanation of why he was late for his deliveries didn't work on his supervisor, and he might have been hoping it stood a better chance with me. It didn't. As I was filing the story under D for desperate, (because that is the only way it would get into print) a voice resonated through my head. MAY I SIT HERE? I looked up to see a tall robed figure stand in front of me. Deep within the darkness of it's cowl I could see the outline of a skull, it's eyes (or where it's eyes should be) glowed a soft blue. "I'm not..... I mean , you haven't...?" I stammered. NO. NOT YET. I JUST CAME TO TALK IF THAT IS ALL RIGHT WITH YOU. Looking past a rather bony shoulder, I could see a scythe leaning against the coat hooks by the door. It's blade shimmered blue with sharpness. The stranger sat down across from me. I HAVE AN APPOINTMENT ACROSS THE STREET AND I AM A LITTLE EARLY . I THOUGHT I COULD KILL SOME TIME IN CONVERSATION. "Kill time" I said nervously but trying not to show it. "a funny pun." PUN? I DO NOT KNOW WHAT A PUN IS. I AM AFRAID I DO NOT HAVE MUCH OF A SENSE OF HUMOR EITHER. OR SO I AM TOLD. I ENJOY INTELLIGENT DIALOG THOUGH. "Certainly," I said. All this caffeine was not helping my calmness. "You are who I think you are?" DEATH? YES. "Can I order something for you?" WHATEVER YOU ARE HAVING WILL BE FINE. I signaled Tom for another latte. He brought it over to our table and set it down in front of Death without giving him so much as a glance. Noticing my astonishment Death responded. MOST PEOPLE DO NOT WISH TO SEE ME, SO THEY DO NOT. "I must know," I began summoning up my courage, "What is the afterlife like? Is it Heaven and Hell or ...I don't know..." WHATEVER YOU MAKE OF IT. AFTER YOU DIE, I SEVER THE LINK BETWEEN THE SOUL AND THIS WORLD. THE SOUL GOES JUST WHERE IT EXPECTS TO GO. IF THAT IS HEAVEN OR VALHALLA, OR REINCARNATION. WHATEVER THE SOUL TRULY BELIEVES. "So if I believed I would go to a place where young naked girls fondled me through eternity, that's where I would go?" Death gave a smile, or it would have been a smile if he had flesh on his face. NOT SO HARD ONCE YOU UNDERSTAND HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS. YOU GIVE AN INTERESTING EXAMPLE THOUGH. MANY BELIEVE THAT THEIR PERSONAL HEAVEN CONSISTS OF ENDLESS SEX. MOST ARE ROCK MUSICIANS WHO DIE YOUNG FROM CHEMICAL INGESTION. Sensing the best interview I've had since Lori Peters channeled Caligula in the middle of one of his roman orgies, I pressed Death for more details. I AM NOT MUCH OF A STORY TELLER, BUT I WILL DO MY BEST. ONE MAN I RECALL WENT TO A PLACE VERY MUCH LIKE THE WORLD HE LEFT, EXCEPT THE TEMPERATURE WAS ALWAYS WARM AND NO ONE WAS, WHAT HE DEEMED, UGLY. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN WOULD STOP HIM IN THE STREET, KNELL BEFORE HIM, AND OPEN HIS TROUSERS. THE WOMAN WOULD PULL OUT HIS MANHOOD, WHICH ALWAYS SEEMED TO BE AN ORDER OF SIZE BIGGER THAN IT WAS IN REAL LIFE. SHE WOULD CRADLE IT, CARESS IT, COMMENT ON ITS SIZE, AND THEN SLIP IT INTO HER MOUTH. SHE WOULD MOVE HER MOUTH IN A BACK AND FORTH MOTION MAKING SLURPING NOISES AS SHE DID. THEY WOULD BOTH SEEM TO BE ENJOYING IT. PASSERBY WOULD LOOK FOR A MOMENT A SMILE AND GO ABOUT THEIR BUSINESS. AFTER WHAT SEEMED TO BE A VERY LONG TIME, THE GIRL WOULD RELEASE HIS ORGAN THE STAND UP. SHE REACHED FOR THE BODICE OF THE DRESS AND RIPPED IT APART DOWN THE MIDDLE. THE DRESS FELL TO THE GROUND AND SHE STOOD BEFORE HIM NAKED. SHE KISSED HIM DEEPLY AND THEN ODDLY TURN HER BACK TO HIM. THEN SHE BENT OVER, AS THOUGH SHE DROPPED SOMETHING, ALTHOUGH I COULD NOT SEE WHAT SHE DROPPED, AND WAITED. THE MAN MOVED BEHIND HER AND THRUST HIS MANHOOD IN A OPENING THAT WAS BETWEEN THE WOMAN'S LEGS. THE MAN PISTONED IN AND OUT FOR SEVERAL MINUTES. BOTH OF THEM WERE MOANING AND SCREAMING. THOSE PASSING BY WOULD ONLY SMILE OR NOD AND KEEP ON GOING. I WAS BECOMING BORED. I WAS JUST ABOUT TO LEAVE WHEN THE MAN PULLED OUT OF HER OPENING AND SQUIRTED SEVERAL OUNCES OF WHITE LIQUID ON THE GIRLS REAR. TWO OTHER GIRLS STANDING NEARBY, BOTH BEAUTIFUL AND YOUNG, WANTED TO GO NEXT. THE MAN SMILED AND WAVED THEM OVER. AS THESE TWO NEW GIRLS WALKED OVER TO HIM, THEY STRIPPED ALL OF THEIR GARMENTS FROM THEMSELVES. I COULD NOT BEAR TO WATCH ANY MORE AND LEFT. "It sounds like my kind of afterlife." I said smiling. REALLY? THAT SORT OF THING INTERESTS YOU? "Oh yes! It's a sort of hobby of mine. I listen and retell erotic stories and that was quite good. Do you have more?" Death reached into his cloak and pulled a large hour glass from a pocket that appeared to be many sizes to small to accommodate it. Death looked at the flowing sand carefully. YES, I STILL HAVE TIME. IT IS STILL ANOTHER FIFTEEN MINUTES BEFORE HE EXPIRES. "So what other kinds of erotic death have you come across?" THERE ARE THOSE WHO GROW LARGE ANGLE WINGS FROM THEIR BACK AND GO TO A CLOUD-LIKE ENVIRONMENT. THEY ARE QUITE NAKED EXCEPT FOR THEIR NEW WINGS AND GO ABOUT CHASING FEMALE ANGELS EQUALLY NAKED. THEY WOULD BOUNCE FROM CLOUD TO FLUFFY CLOUD UNTIL SHE WAS CAUGHT. THEN THEY WOULD COPULATE IN MID AIR. OTHER TIMES THEY WOULD TURN ABOUT IN MID AIR SUCH THAT HIS GROIN WAS NEAR HER FACE AND VICE VERSA. THEY WOULD THEN EXTEND THEIR TONGUES INTO EACH OTHER'S GROIN. DOES THIS GIVE PLEASURE? "Most of us humans would find it pleasurable. I personally try in do it as often as possible, but not as often as a would like." INTERESTING. ANYWAY, THEY WOULD TWIST AND TURN, BOTH OF THEIR LEGS SPREAD OPEN TO ACCOMMODATE ONE ANOTHER, FLOATING UP AND DOWN THROUGH THE WARM AIR AND THE CLOUDS. EVENTUALLY THAT SAME WHITE LIQUID WOULD COME OUT OF THE MAN AND FALL EARTHWARD. "What sort of death do women imagine?" ONE WOMAN I RECALL, IMAGINED HER SELF KIDNAPPED BY A MEDIEVAL KNIGHT AND TAKEN TO HIS KINGS DARK CASTLE. THERE HER LONG SILK DRESS WAS TORN FROM HER FLESH AND SHE WAS PRESENTED NAKED TO THE KING. THE KING, IMPRESSED BY HER NAKED BEAUTY STOOD, DISROBED AND IN FRONT OF HIS KNIGHTS, SERVANTS, LADIES IN WAITING AND SO FORTH, BEGAN TO RAPE HER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CASTLE'S RECEPTION HALL. THE NAKED KING PUSH HER BACK SUCH THAT SHE WAS LAYING ON HER BACK ON THE COLD STONE FLOOR. HE THEN PUT HIS MOUTH OVER HERS, FORCING IT OPEN TO ACCEPT HIS TONGUE. ALL OF THIS TIME, SHE IS HITTING HIM WITH WEAK BLOWS AND THRASHES ABOUT. THE KING THEN PUTS HIS MOUTH ON HER NECK, NIBBLING DOWN WARD TOWARD HER BREAST. THERE HE SUCKS EACH NIPPLE VERY HARD AND THEN BITS AT IT BEFORE LEAVING FOR ANOTHER PART OF HER ANATOMY. THE KING MOVES DOWN TO HER WAIST, BUT AS HE DOES, SHE BEGINS TO RAISE. THE KING LOOKS UP AND COMMANDS ONE OF HIS KNIGHTS TO REMOVE ALL ARMOR AND CLOTHING AND ASSIST HIM. AFTER DROPPING FIFTY POUND OF ARMOR ON THE FLOOR THE KNIGHT KNEELS NEAR THE WOMAN'S HEAD, PUSHING HER SHOULDERS BACK AGAINST THE COLD FLOOR. THE KING NOTICED THE KNIGHT'S MANHOOD GROWING LONG AND HARD FROM LOOKING AT HIS NUDE CAPTIVE, AND INSTRUCTS HIM TO PUT IT IN HER MOUTH, THEN WARNS HER TO BE NICE OR ELSE. OR ELSE WHAT? I shook my head, "A threat often works well when the punishment is left to the imagination of the person being threatened" AS THE KNIGHT PLACED HIMSELF IN THE MOUTH OF THE WOMAN THE KING FORCED APART HER LEGS AND PUSHED HIS MOUTH OVER THE OPENING IN HER GROIN. THE KING MADE LOUD SLURPING NOISES AS THE WOMAN SPASAMED AND TWICHTED. AFTER A SHORT WHILE THE KNIGHT SPILLED HIS WHITE LIQUID IN AND AROUND HER MOUTH. THE KING LEAPED UP AND PUSHED THE KNIGHT AWAY, AND LAID ON TOP OF THE WOMAN AND PUSHED HIS LONG HARD MEMBER INSIDE THE WOMAN'S OPENING. HE PULSED IN AND OUT SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE COLLAPSING ON HER. AFTER RECOVERING HIS WIND HE ROSE AND ANNOUNCED TO HIS KNIGHTS THAT EACH ONE MAY HAVE ONE TURN WITH HER. WITH THAT ALL THE KNIGHTS DISROBED AND TOOK TURNS PENETRATING HER. AFTER ALL THE KNIGHTS WERE QUITE THROUGH, THREE YOUNG MAIDS TOOK THE NAKED PRISONER TO ANOTHER ROOM TO BE WASHED. BEFORE PLACING HER IN THE TUB OF WARM SOAPY WATER, ALL THREE MAIDS REMOVED THEIR HEAVY WOOLEN DRESS, SO THAT THEY WERE AS NAKED AS SHE. THE MAIDS WASHED HER TENDERLY, CARESSING HER BREASTS, MAKING ESPECIALLY SURE HER GROIN AND OPENING WERE PROPERLY CLEANED. AS THEY DID, THEY WOULD GENTLY KISS AND LICK HER ABUSED FLESH, AND ENCOURAGED HER TO DO THE SAME TO THEM. SOON ALL FOUR WERE FONDLING ONE ANOTHER, MOANING SOFTLY AND SPENDING AN UNUSUAL AMOUNT OF TIME WASHING EACH OTHERS GROINS. "Not the kind of heaven I would think a woman would wish on her self?" AFTER MANY MORE NIGHTS OF ABUSE A TALL MUSCULAR PRINCE WITH LONG BLOND HAIR AND SHINNING ARMOR KILLS THE ABUSIVE KING AND MOST OF HIS KNIGHTS AND TAKES THE WOMAN AND THE THREE MAIDS TO HIS CASTLE, WHERE SHE DOES NOT MIND BEING NUDE OR BEING PENETRATED TWO OR THREE TIME EACH DAY. THIS PRINCE DOES SEEM MUCH KINDER, MORE GENTLE IN THERE NUDE PLAY. OFTEN TIMES THE THREE MAIDS WOULD JOIN THEM, AND THE SCREAMING IS ALWAYS ACCOMPANIED BY LAUGHTER RATHER THAN TEARS. "And it is here she spends a pleasant afterlife?" THAT IS THE ODD THING ABOUT IT. EVERY FEW MONTHS SHE IS KIDNAPPED BY SOME HOSTILE KNIGHT, OR WICKED SORCERER OR DRAGON OR SOMETHING. AND EACH TIME SHE IS FORCED TO HAVE SEX IN DIFFERENT AND BIZARRE WAYS. AND EACH TIME HER PRINCE COMES TO RESCUE HER ONLY TO HAVE THE WHOLE THING REPEAT IN A FEW MONTHS. VERY ODD. "This is all very fascinating. What is the most common seniero?" PROBABLY THE DESERT ISLAND. MEN WITH HARDBODIED NAKED WOMEN, OR WOMEN WITH STRONG HANDSOME MEN. WARM SEA, NO WORRIES, THAT SORT OF THING. BEING ABLE TO COPULATE IN A PALM TREE AND NOT WORRY ABOUT FALLING. "And the most unusual or bizarre?" ONE MAN WANTED TO TEACH SEX EDUCATION IN A RATHER LIBERAL HIGH SCHOOL WHERE LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS, IN CLASS PRACTICE AND LOTS OF HOMEWORK WERE ENCOURAGED. "He probably didn't get any in high school himself." ANOTHER COMMON ONE IS THE LAST MAN ON EARTH. COMMON AMONG INTELLECTUALS WHO READ TO MUCH SCIENCE FICTION. THEY BELIEVE THEMSELVES THE ONLY SURVIVOR OF A PLAGUE THAT WIPES OUT THE ENTIRE MALE POPULATION. THIS MAKE THE OTHERWISE UNDESIRABLE MALE THE OBJECT OF EVERY FEMALES ATTENTION. TO REPOPULATE THE EARTH HE MUST COPULATE WITH AS MANY WOMEN AS POSSIBLE. IT ALSO GIVES HIM GREAT LATITUDE IN WHAT HE CAN DEMAND OF THE WOMEN. HE MIGHT LIKE TO SE WOMEN NAKED IN PUBLIC, OR HAVE SEVERAL NUDE WOMEN FONDLE HIM AT ONCE. HE WILL HAVE SEX ANY WHERE AND EVERY WHERE HE FANCIES. IN PARKS, ON PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, EVEN ON THE TABLE OF A FANCY EATING ESTABLISHMENT. YOU WOULD NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HE DID WITH THE DESSERT. Death paused his description of the dessert and took out the hour glass again and consulted it carefully and returned it to his cloak. I MUST PUSH OFF NOW. THANK YOU FOR THE LATTE, IT WAS VERY GOOD. I WILL BE SEEING YOU. I looked frighten for a moment. IT WILL NOT BE FOR SOME TIME I SHOULD THINK. That was a relief. Death got up, turned and walked to the door with out drawing so much as a glance from Tom Miller or the few patrons that were in the place. Death picked up the scythe that was leaning near the door, gave me a quick salute with it and walk through the door. What made it more impressive was the fact that the door was not open. It didn't seem to slow Death as he pass through it and it certainly didn't bother the door. I have never given much thought to my immortal soul before but now I had a big decision to make. In what kind of perverse activity do I wish to spend eternity in. Well hopefully I will have time to think about it.