Mist: The Beginning. In the beginnings, the three races of antiquity prospered together, Humans,Daoine Sithe and the B'Eundil, the Humans were the hunters, the makers, the gatherers, keepers of stock, commerce and business, The Daoine Sithe practiced the art of sorcery, necromancy, theirs was the magic of the living head and of the heart, they were powerful working in concert, but were inclined to fight amongst themselves, the B'Eundil also practiced magic, but of a different kind, theirs was the magic of places, of animals, of spirit. No one is ever quite sure of where the troubles began, the Sithe place the blame squarely at the feet of the Humans, but all that we know is that the first victim was a Sithe, the elders of all races came together to work on a solution, an uneasy truce prevailed for a score of years, but in the Human cities rumours began, rumours of unnatural lusts, of human sacrifice, then the daughter of the Sithe King was ambushed, raped and killed. Her spirit led her Father and Brothers straight to the attackers and the bloodlust came upon the Sithe, calling on their dark side they visited such horrors upon the minds and bodies of the killers, that they begged to die, the King left the bodies impaled to a wall as a warning. Then the reprisals started, one bloody year followed another, but the Humans could never defeat the Sithe with their magic, year after year the Sithe repelled attack after attack, killing and maiming, until one day the King cried ENOUGH, he gathered all the Sithe together and using their magic they fashioned a place, removed in time, in space, in a blink of an eye the Sithe removed themselves from the Land, from the memory of the Humans. The B'Eundil had long before retreated, to a planet far from the Land, far from the strife, and over the hundreds of years, the memory of the Land became just that, something in the lorebooks, in time it became a myth, but the Elders knew the truth. As in all wars, there are people who refuse to get themselves involved, two such people were the youngest brother of the Human king, and the eldest daughter of the Sithe King, their love had blossomed in secret and she refused to accompany her family, at the time of the fashioning she slipped away, and went to her lover, they lived in secret, for she was pregnant, and the Humans in their rage were hunting down any Sithe that had been left behind. One day news came that they had been discovered, urging his heavily pregnant wife to flee, the brother vowed to protect her, using her powers she became invisible, but was powerless to stop the bloodthirsty mob from hacking him to pieces, in shock and in labour she stumbled into a monastery and there lay in a fever for many a month, eventually she recovered her sanity and her strength, and now the mother of a baby girl, half human and half Daoine Sithe, she named her Guinivere. Regaining her powers she set about trying to contact her family, month after month she tried, her powers growing in stature until one day she found a trace and hastened to that place. There she gathered her powers, and with an effort mightier than moving the sun, she attempted to join her family. But her spell went horribly wrong, instead of moving in place, she moved in time, 1000 years in the future, to a world in which the Sithe were mere stories of horror or contempt, despairing she sent out one last cry to her family and collapsed. The three races of Antiquity were not the only inhabitants of the Land, there were also the Swyth, human in shape, but stooped and foul beyond belief, they gathered where there was war and feasted on the remains, but they also served dark powers, being skilful trackers and hunters. And the hunters were hunting the Lady, following the aura of her power through the centuries they tracked her to the glade, even weak as she was her power was enough to hold off hundreds of Swyth, protecting her baby, but in the end she faltered, as she knew she was dying she sent forth one last tremendous surge of power and called soul to soul to her family. The Queen of the Sithe, the LADY, was startled out of her sleep one night, in their safe place, by the cry of a voice of a person she knew was long dead, gathering her elders, they searched, planets, star systems, long forgotten lands, and peoples, then success. The LADY arrived just in time to witness her sisters last dying moments, her sister made her promise to look after Guinivere, and with one last loving touch to her Sister and to the baby she loved, she died. The LADY, overcome with grief and remorse, ordered that the child be taken away and fostered, the Elders contacted one of the few people who knew of the Sithe existance, and Guinivere was fostered with a Lord, someone very close to the King and his son Arthur. For 17 years Guinivere grew up in the environs of the Castle, under the stern but loving care of her Guardian, she fell in love with one of the Knights, Lancelot, but one morning after having an argument with her Guardian over his insistence that she marry Arthur, whom she thought was very wet and a bit of a prat, she wandered into a secluded glade, in that glade she encountered The Gray Mouser, who introduced himself as Prince Mathwyr, son of the LADY, Queen of the Daoine Sithe.