In The Bank Manager's Cupboard. Part Two Karin stood, placing one hand on his head for support. She tested the shoes, bending her knees and exerting pressure. As she moved her thighs within the clinging p.v.c., the curves at the top of her legs were level with his eyes. Her movements emphasised her sexuality, not a word had been spoken since he knelt. The atmosphere was tense and electric. Karin cut through it, "I would like that drink now," she took her hand from his head as though releasing him. He was enslaved. "Yes, Madam," it still felt ridiculous, but he was getting used to it. She did a tour of the room as he fixed them drinks. Her movements within the p.v.c. fascinated him as she rustled around. Every step a seductive movement. The sounds she made, as she again sat, entranced him. "Well what do you think," Karin enquired. "I think they are perfect Madam," David dutifully replied. As he had been watching the stiletto heels pierce the pile of the carpet, he had been thinking how powerful the shoes made her seem. "Not the shoes, idiot. My offer," she challenged David. David was taken aback by her remark, he couldn't remember the last time anyone had spoken to him in the way she did. Bemused by her manner, and yet still aroused, David mumbled, "Oh. I'm sorry, of course, well I, Er.... Yes I suppose it's a good idea." Karen smiled condescendingly, as though the outcome had been inevitable. But then, she thought, of course it had. "Good, then we won't waste time, tonight you will sleep here, the contracts are on the desk over there. Sign them," she ordered. David, still in a daze of sexual arousal, started to read the contracts. Miles of small print as usual, and his mind wasn't up to it. "Power of attorney?" he questioned. Karin countered, "You do wish me to arrange the sale of your house while you get back to work?" "Oh. Of course, Yes." He signed them all and returned to his drink, and to his hopes of sexual conquest. 'Sleep here tonight', she had said. Karin contemplated him, that was easy as usual. Men were like flies entering a Venus Fly Trap. First the lure, then snap! You have them by the short and curlies, as the expression goes. The evening was turning her on, she swished over to the table and snapped the contracts into the safe. David shivered with dread as the safe slammed shut ominously. Karin was doing this one just for the fun of it. Now that she had the bank and her other interests, she no longer needed the money. She had grown to like it so much though, she couldn't resist the temptation of another victim, she had an instinct for spotting them. It was almost second nature, and the fun was only just beginning.